Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Have the time of your life!

Leather jacket.
Parents that are squares.
An annoying sister.
These are all things that you can find in my favorite movie...
Image source:http://jjb.yuku.com/topic/649319/t/DWTS-winner-Jennifer-Grey---way--Good-Morning-AMerica-Studio.html
 I heart this movie for many reasons let me count the ways:
  1. The story
  2. The music
  3. That my sister's and I have watched/listened to this movie a total of 99,000 times (okay, we have not counted but it is way up there)
  4. It is new to me every time I see it...so suspenseful.  Will they get together? Will Johnny come back or not? Will she be able to make the final lift or not? I’m usually at the edge of my seat. I know this may sound crazy but i cannot explain it. 
  5. My favorite part is: When she goes to look around at the beginning of the film. She is so innocent and anything can happen.  She first sees Johnny for the first time.   
  6. My favorite song from the soundtrack is: She is like the wind by Patrick Swayze.  
  7. I went to go see the DD play when it came to town as well. I dragged my friends to it too. We have a picture of us carrying watermelons!
  8. I can go on and on...
 Here is a link to the DD website: http://www.dirtydancing.com/site.php in case anyone wants to see a trailer.
I highly recommend you rent it and give it a chance. Don't forget your dancing shoes!

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