Monday, September 13, 2010

August = Change

August has been a stressful, wonderful, scary, great, maddening, clear, crazy, exhilarating, limiting and focused month. First, I went to Syracuse to help my sister move from her old place to her new place. I loved it! I love being in Syracuse because it is physically a far place but emotionally it is a place where I do not have to worry too much because no one knows me except my sister. It is pretty liberating. It was so much fun and rewarding to be able to help my sister move. We rented a car, moved, painted (which I will never do again), shopped, ate, shopped, “borrowed” some furniture, shopped and lastly shopped. It was such a great time. Upon my return, Yolanda was already getting settled in the apartment since she had moved in late July/early august. She will be our new and only roommate addition to the Chicago Chicks! I am very excited to have Yolanda move in with us and bring a different vibe to the apartment. I miss Liz but know she is too happy in her new place plus she lives two blocks away. I can still stop by and borrow some sugar in case I need to. I feel like Liz’s apartment is just an extension to our place. Don’t tell Liz! With her move out, it has made me appreciate her so much more and realized that she was such a big part of my everyday life. I am so happy we got to live together. I will always be grateful to her for allowing me into her life. I am a better person for knowing her. For almost three weeks, Diana was out of the country exploring down under. Australia was the lucky destination that got a visit from my rommie. I missed her very much but was happy she was having a great time with her travel buddy, Guendy! Work was crazy because I would not have any help for two weeks plus I was rounding out the summer but at the same time gearing up for fall semester to begin (8/23). I have been thinking about my future a lot and have started to make some much needed changes and decisions to align me better with my ultimate goals. One of those big changes will be attending graduate school. I have since started studying for the GRE. My sister and Diana has taken it so they have lend me their study books and signed up to take a practice exam in mid September. I have come to realize that I will not be in the position I currently am forever and even though getting out of my comfort zone is REALLY scary for me I need to channel those scared feelings and use them as a driving force to accomplish my goals. I often think about my parents and wonder what my life will be like in 5-10 years, 5-10 month or 5-10 days and it can get a bit OVERWHELMING and am so thankful that I have such supportive friends and family that believe in me and encourage me to reach for the stars. I have been inspired by so many wonderful women around me that went after their goals with full force but were also able to and currently do balance school, work and a social life. Thanks friends.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the new semester and the GRE. It's inspiring to see you very focused on your goals. I really enjoy living with you girls and running into Liz almost everyday. I really do. Si se puede :-)
