Please come on in!
Wait, do you notice anything?
Look closely--
Yes, that is a New Kids on The Block button.
How great is that?! I got the right stuff! I was so honored and touched when Diana gave it to me that I needed to make it part of my room décor. I thought it would go best outside to welcome everyone including myself when I come in-HELLO!
As many of you may or may not know I heart NKOTB! I just really love this band and they make me happy:)
For all those fans out there I have the following video/song for you to enjoy:
I really like how the song is telling the listener to enjoy the moments they have now because tomorrow is not promised. I have really tried to live that way every day.
Every morning I do my devotions and state what I am grateful for and boy oh boy am I one blessed individual to be surrounded by so much goodness.
Don't get me wrong I still have my moments of tunnel vision but ever since running club started I have noticed a drastic change in my personality and overall outlook on life.
I am trying to live the life I would like to lead and this summer was certainly a great start (more on the summer that was in upcoming blog entries).
Until next time-live with passion!
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