February is here…. Woohoo!!!
So let’s get started—
Here were my resolutions/inspirations for January:
Order Internet/cable
I asked friends what speed they recommended and did some research. I have a number but have not called.I did get the feature on my phone where I can tether from the phone to my computer(small steps). I do not see this as a failure instead as a challenge for next month (February).
This resolution was very easy for me. I love that at the end of the year I can look back and review everything that I did.
This project started its evolution since last year but it is updated and ready to go! I have also come to realize that the resume will change a bit depending on the different jobs I may one day seek. My friend Liz H. has been very helpful with all her feedback and guidance.
I was very aggressive on this resolution this month. I have worried so much about not feeling well for years but my doctor was very understanding and compassionate. She ran tests that I thought I need plus anything she felt might be necessary. I feel empowered by the follow up work she suggested and prescribed. I will be better to seek out medical attention especially as we get older.
This resolution has been the hardest of all. In conversations with friends and some online research, I discovered that a great morning routine has to be paired up with a night routine. You cannot have one without the other. So what does that look like for me?
**Night time**
Designate a consistent time that I will go to bed(10, 1030, 11-just keep it consistent!).
Do not watch TV/ Movies when it is time for bed. Previously, I usually would decide to go to bed but proceed to bring my computer or DVD player to bed and watch until I was exhausted. At that point, I would just turn over and go to sleep. This change has done wonders.
Gather outfit including ironing of clothes (if I had not ironed over the weekend)
Pack breakfast (oatmeal in travel container where all I need to add is hot water, put all condiments into coffee cup so that I would just need to add hot water in the morning), pack lunch and two snacks.
Pack gym bag
**Morning routine**
Wake up!
Get dressed
Do something to my hair (curl, wave, bobby pin it down)
Apply makeup/morning creams
Gather all my items (gym bag, laptop, lunch, etc.)
Head out the door
Go to work
Now, this does not work every night or morning, but I am going to try to keep up and try to incorporate some additional items.
January has taught me 5 important things:
People are not perfect. Imperfections are what make us unique.
I have to make myself a priority! (if not, it will show on the positive if you do it will show as well)
I must forgive myself for past mistakes. Definitely learn from them but do not let them define who you are.
I need to have more fun (let loose- watch out this weekend)!
It is never too late to change your routine, yourself, and your life.
Later January!!!
I think the song My life by Mary J. Blige is representative of where I am currently. I understand that she recorded this song in her dark days but to see her now it is very inspiring.
Honestly, I have a great handle on my February resolutions/goals. Here they are:
1. organize open house/housewarming
I am looking at the last or second to last weekend in February. I already have the invitations and a skeleton plan for the menu.
2. Get new hairstyle
I do not have any concrete plans, but I do want to lighten my hair(from black to a light brown), cut it, and curl it(dare I say perm it?!).
Eva sent me some samples and I really like this look:
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I like the haircolor |
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I like the length and texture |
3. Send care package to the Washington Andrade chapter (xmas gifts!)
I thought I would be done with this last month but it is still hanging on my door.
I went last week to the post office at 130pm and they closed at 12pm. For sure this weekend!
4. Read book 1
I decided on the book—
The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch It was given to us at work and a few of us will be reading it and discussing it. It should be a quick read!
5. Update my blog once a week

Here is to Love!