Moved into a great new apartment
Work B.F.F.
Have great roommates
Survived an intense fund-raising campaign
Viewing parties
Went to a movie premier
Sat on a jury
Started blogging
Purchased a laptop
Ran 2 half marathons
I was part of a dance team
Went to Springfield and met the Governor
Started going to church
Xmas miracle!!!
I started being a mentor
Went on a (gospel)cruise
Barack Obama
Spin class
Was able to effectively communicate to a friend my friendship concerns and we are such better friends for it
Finished Secrets of a Former Fat Girl
Saw House on Mango Street on Stage
Took the life-changing class with Professor Rockquemore
and much more...
It would be unconscionable for me to list of all the things that happened to me and not mention that I lost my aunt Irene in 2009 and that was an experience I do not want to live again any time soon. Her loss has really made me analyze my time spent and how important family is(no matter how annoying they may be sometimes). I never thought my aunt would never not be here for a milestone in my life. She was at my bday parties, graduations, religious sacraments, you name it and she was there always supporting my siblings and I. I miss her terrible but I am comforted by knowing that she has left a part of herself in all of her children and I can call on them as they too can call on me if they need anything. One thing that my aunt loved to do is laugh. She loved a good joke or a chisme and that is exactly how I remember her laughing and enjoying herself with her family. I miss her dearly but know that she is in a better place.
This little exercise has brought me to--What could be and what will be. I really want 2010 to be my year of bliss and making memories. Below I have listed 80 things of a list of 100 that I want to do this year. I will be adding the last 20 in a future blog to be accomplished on my travels to Italy and France later this year. Wish me luck!
Be a better friend Be more truthful Be more spontaneous |
Blog more(bi-weekly) Finish wall project |
Go to a carnival (popcorn/balloons/ferris wheel) |
Go to a parade |
Go to Disney World Go to Lincoln Park zoo |
Go to Nashville for a weekend |
Learn how to swim |
Learn not to say yes when I really mean no |
Make a presentation about self and betterment |
Meet Ozzie Guillen for reals this time! |
Run a full marathon |
Run! |
See my nephews on two occasions |
Swing from a trapeze |
Take a neighborhood tour of the City of Chicago |
Take a surf lesson |
Take a technology break for 7 days |
Take my mentees on a day trip Take more risks |
Try hot yoga |
Wear a fancy dress for a whole day |
Write someone a letter |
Get a new haircut |
Accept myself for who I am |
Ask more questions |
Attend the air and water show |
Babysit a baby |
Breathe! |
Check out the Chicago Botanical Gardens |
Cook more at home Create a positive box |
Date more Do 10 pushups in a row (not the girl kind) |
Document this year more |
Eat at XOCO (a restaurant by Rick Bayless in Chicago) |
Find an exciting party time job |
Finish my typing lessons |
Get my playlist together for my runs |
Get my Polaroid back- I love taking Polaroid pictures! |
Get the ink |
Go camping (no RV) |
Go see a ballet |
Go to a country bar/club |
Go to a farmer’s market aka gara |
Go to a fashion show |
Go to a movie in the park |
Go to brunch 4 times this year with friends |
Go to one session of summer dance |
Have a Bunelo and atole |
Have a pizza tasting competition w myself |
Have a Sex and the City viewing marathon weekend (hopefully before the new movie comes out)! Season 1-6 |
Have dinner with my dad |
Have lunch with my cousin Graciela |
Have picnic at Millennium Park |
Hit the beach! |
Learn several phrases in French and Italian (does this count as two?) |
Learn to do a proper push up |
Live a sober 2010 |
Live my passion! |
Lose that frenemie Love more |
Make it to 6:15AM spin class on Wednesdays |
Make the button skirt I have always wanted |
Meet a new friend |
Pay ALL my bills on time |
Pick up a hobby again |
Plant some tulips (yellow) |
Read 6 new books |
Relocate |
Show my parents my appreciation for them more often |
Sleep |
Spend New Year’s Eve somewhere different than Chicago for 2011 |
Take a boxing class |
Take a picture of all my cousins |
Take a picture of myself on a beach |
Take a road trip |
Take an architectural tour of the City via boat |
Take the Frank Lloyd Wright Museum tour |
Take up yoga |
Volunteer more |
Watch the sunrise Watch a sunset |
Wow! I'm so inspired by this post!!
ReplyDeleteWow!!! This is great! You have inspired me to make my own list!!! Can I sign up for a couple of activities to do w/u?!