Monday, April 20, 2009

Eat, Pray, Love and Fear!!

Ever since I joined the blog-sphere at the beginning of this semester I have found myself at times intrigued by others blogs. One of the blogs that I thoroughly enjoy and is somewhat aligned with the message of this class(in my opinion) is that of jewelry designer, Jess LC ( I first met Jess Constable at a Team in Training kick off event but ever since then we have collaborated to organize a fundraiser and she has answered some questions about blogging. Anyhow, I was reading her blog earlier this week and stumbled upon the following video. I was intrigued by the speaker due to having read the book and really enjoyed it. I saw the video and was impressed by her account and her honesty to verbalize her fears but not be bound by them. I used to be scared of so much stuff but this class has helped me to just move right through it. That is not to say that I do not still constantly feel it but I recognize it when it appears and self talk. One last thing, if you enjoy jewelry this sis the blog for you. She is currently running an exfoliation event. If you send her a pick of the item you are exfoliating, you are entered into a drawing to get a $40.00 gift certificate to her online store. I hope you enjoy it!

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