Thursday, January 22, 2009

What was I like in the first 5 years of my life?


  1. Response from my mom(Angelique):
    Happy, inquisitive, always laughing and playing

  2. Response from my dad(Jose):
    Restless, you liked to be out in the street (visiting people), you were always with your gramma, and you loved to dance (Mexican folkloric ballet)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Responses from my Uncle Humberto:
    First 5 years, well the first 5 years you were like the energizer battery! But like a normal child. You were a happy child and very outgoing always smiling.

  5. To be honest, I don't really remember everything since I myself only have memories of 10 and older. However, I do remember us playing but more often fighting. Looking back, I am sure the fighting was mostly about you wanting the same things I had or wanting to do the same things I was doing. Hey, you were just looking up to your big brother but I was too immature to appreciate it. I think I learned from that and tried to do better with the next two. But when I wasn't making you miserable, you seemed happy, especially at school.
