Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Girls Night Out (GNO)!

This shoudl have been posted last week---Sorry!

I had such a great GNO last week.  Health magazine was having a special engagement in Chicago to preview the movie Something Borrowed.  The evening started with tasty comfort food/cocktails from P.J. Clarke's
They had some really good crab cakes and nostalgic pizza(like I used to eat @grammar school).While some of us were staking the waiters for first pick at the appetizers, others were getting a manicure and back massages.  You can get that any old time but endless appetizers is a once in a life time opportunity.

The event had some great raffles: A perfume package from Calvin Klein -Euphoria, a 150.00 gift card to Asics and a vitamin basket from vitafusion.  I was really hoping to win one of the raffles but no such luck for the second year in a row.  After watching the CK-Euphoria commercial on the movie screen I am thinking twice about investing in this product.  Especially if once you put it on life will play out just like the video below( cue to hair blower and the male models):

Now to the nitty gritty--I give the movie 1 star.  The movie started with great intentions but somewhere in the middle it took a wrong turn and never found its way back. Too bad because I am a Gennifer Goodwin fan but this movie was sad, pathetic AND just plain wrong.   Too much travel, not enough chemistry or character development and the music was just okay. I think this movie tries too hard to be literal with the book even though I have not read it. Honestly, how many times were the two main characters going to be set up by surprise? Grrrrr! I can go on an on but do not want to spoil it for anyone that is thinking about seeing it. 

After the event, I chatted with one of my closest girlfriends about life, love and happiness.  Overall the night was a great one.  Who can pass up free food, free drinks, free giveaways and a free movie? I know I can’t. 
Thank you Health Magazine!  See y’all next year!

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